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Did you know that the original Delft blue is only made in Delft? That is already a reason to pay a visit to this beautiful city.

In Delft you will find the most diverse museums. So you will find the Royal Delft on the Rotterdamseweg. Here you can travel through the history and production process of the ancient Delft Blue pottery. You get a painting demonstration and visit the factory. You will also be introduced to the icons of Delft: the Royal Family and Johannes Vermeer in the themed rooms.
Museum Prinsenhof is located in the St. Aghata Monastery, the former residence of William of Orange. Here you will experience Dutch history.
The Vermeer Center gives you a glimpse into the life of the famous painter Johannes Vermeer. In the Botanical Garden of TU Delft you will find a collection of technical plants, which are almost all used by people. In the museum Paul Tetar van Elven you will find a collection of paintings, pottery and porcelain in one of the best-preserved interiors in the Netherlands.

In various galleries you will find a wide variety of visual art, ceramics and paintings. View the possibilities here.

Take a walk through the historic city center. Delft offers plenty of walking routes, adapted to your interests. For example, walk along the town hall, the Waag, the Oostpoort and the old church. Pay a visit to the state prison and the Nieuwe Kerk, where Prince William of Orange is buried.

The market
A visit to the market is one of the highlights of Delft. The atmospheric square is embraced by the old City Hall and the Nieuwe Kerk. Relax on one of the cozy terraces, visit souvenir shops with real Delft blue or take a look at the other specialty shops. On Thursday between 10:00 and 17:00 the market is there.

Shopping on the canal
North of the market you will find special snuff shops, nice galleries and specialty shops in beautiful canal houses. The buildings have the most beautiful façades and house nice shops such as a chocolaterie, bookshop, tea shops and unique clothing boutiques. Tip: in the side streets you will also find nice shops!

De Breestraat
From the station you walk through the Breestraat into the city center. Enjoy the most cozy and diverse shops from here.

Have not expected yet? Then visit the Oude and Nieuwe Langendijk or the modern shops in the Veste where you will find H & M, The Sting, C & A, Steps and Didi.